089 – JANUARY 2011
I’m really not a very moody person and I sure do dislike those times when I react in an
ill-mannered behavior. I feel a bit of victory when I can wittingly detach from some “issue and I am disappointed when I allow myself to get tangled into some brainless emotional me-trap.
Do you know what I am talking about?
We don’t get our way and we react poorly. We don’t agree with some little decision and we counter unkindly. As the confrontation persists, we add animated facial disfigurations to enhance our words. A bad spirit incarcerates us and we become moody, “bent out of shape”, “pity partied”, and sometimes … downright “pissy”. And, certainly, we file the “issue” for times when we may have to visit it again.
1 Corinthians 13:5 Love does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged
There is no logical reason to become so self-interested:
1. Poor reactions are silly. In the big picture, the “issue” is not that important. It just doesn’t matter! It’s a dot. It’s a blip in an ocean of things to be thankful for.
2. Poor reactions are selfish. We eventually gather people into our drama and hand out” stuff” for enough time to jostle them into our pickled corner. We help rob them of their peace and then wonder, ”Why are they so touchy all the sudden?”
So - Is there any hope to solving this problem? Well, think about it – of course there is.
How ‘bout self control?
Proverbs 25:28 “Whoever has no rule over his own spirit is like a city broken down, without walls”
How ‘bout the peace of God?
Philipians 4:7 “and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds … ”
How ‘bout a few more?
Seek God, Die to Self, Put on Love, Abide in Him, Put Away Childish Things, Watch & Pray, Be Thankful, Rejoice, Have Mercy, Do Justly, Walk Humbly,
… One of the Above, Some of the Above, All of the Above !!! ???
In summary - “pissy” is not in the dictionary but ya’ll know what it means. It’s not a pretty thing! If your moods swing to testy or prickly, take a recess and decide to be nice instead. If you can’t find a handle on it from the list I just presented … then find your own answer. But, find something !!!