Wednesday, December 16, 2009


076 – DECEMBER 2010


Most times, it’s best to stay in the middle of the road and avoid the ruts that are found on both sides.
The road to Christmas Day is no exception. Wow!

Rut - side 1. The holiday trap. If your parents passed it down, you will do it too. If you grew up with less you want to be sure that your kids experience things better.
I’m talking about the abnormal compulsion to gift giving and presents. ‘What do I get Uncle Bobby?’ ‘What did they get me last year?’ ‘I need to spend another $20 on Suzie … to even things out.’ ‘What can I get for hubby? He’s already got everything he needs!’ (interesting)
And on and on and on … and on!
Rut 1 is a silly side to be on.

Rut – side 2. The Grouch! Bah! Humbug! The season can actually put some people in a bad mood. ‘Don’t get nothin’ for me and I don’t want to get nothin’ for you.’ ‘The whole thing is just stupid.’ ‘Scrooge had it right in the first place.’ ‘Sweetie, listen to me – I know what I’m talking about.’ ‘I hate this time of year!!!’
And on and on and on … and on!
Rut 2 is a silly side to be on.

The whole Christmas giving issue comes up every year. The Rut 1’ers resolve to not fall into dizzy mismanagement … again next year. And, the rut 2’ers promise to be nicer.

It would be wise to decide what to do and make some gift giving plans. But, that can often fail and make things worse. So, you should now be saying to yourself, “Doesn’t sound like this guy has any answers.”
And, that’s correct! After many years of impasse, I still have no answers to this. I do, however, offer the following suggestions to help avoid the ruts and work your way to the middle of the road:
* Be aware that some folks are really excited about all of this.
* Be aware that some folks are really not excited about all of this.
* Practice restraint, esp. if you have entered into limit agreements with spousie.
* Don’t be a selfish scrooge and spoil things for others.
* Enjoy every day of this great Christmas season.
* Share a lot of joy. Smile, laugh, and be merry … as in Merry Christmas!
* Purpose to delight in family and friends. Mmmmmm!
* Above all – remember the reason for the season and, in all that you do, you do it unto the Lord and give God thanks. (Romans 14)

Luke 2:11 “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Jesus Christ the Lord”