Thursday, February 4, 2010


078 – FEBRUARY 2010


Every so often, I like to relax and watch some of those TV court shows. After the plaintiff has stated their case. I think "Wow, what a louse that defendant is!" … only to hear the defendant’s side and become so confused as to who is right. Both state their sides with such conviction and, yet, the 2 stories are distinctly different. There is emotional clashing, tears, and hostility.
Now, I really like Judge Judy the best. She gets 15 minutes to sort through these opposing accounts and make a decision. She has to determine who’s story is the truth.
The folks are quite good at embellishing … and lying. They are convinced of their innocence and state their position in detailed account. Most of the time, I marvel at Judge Judy’s insight and wisdom in deriving a decision for the court.
These 15 minute arguments emphasize an old quote that my daddy once told me. (He didn’t really . It just sounds better when I preface it that way.) Referring to disputes, disagreements, and personality clashes - "There’s never been a coin made so thin that there weren’t 2 sides."
Deuteronomy 12:8 "… every man whatsoever is right in his own eyes."
Proverbs 12:15 "The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkens unto counsel is wise."
Proverbs 21:2 "Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the LORD weighs the heart."
When you are speaking to someone and they begin to share their side of a story – remember that the missing defendant probably has an entirely different view of this situation.
There is usually a lot of truth in famous quotes. That’s why they’re famous.
In conversation the other day, someone was the whistle-blowing plaintiff with me. In the middle of telling their side, I interrupted with the "thin coin" quote. The person replied "I don’t agree with that quote. Sometimes, as in this case, … I have the truth and there is no other side."
My eyebrows lifted. I dropped the instruction and reaffirmed, "Thus, the quote!!!!!"
* So - Remember the "thin coin" quote. Try not to make a judgement with only the plaintiff speaking.
* Furthermore – Think about it! This is the big test for the day.
Question: If you have heard both sides, can you defeat your temptation to be the wise master who determines justice?
Answer: Sure you can! It is quite simple Grasshopper - Assign the ‘thing’ to Judge Judy for a verdict. That’s what she gets paid for.
* Ultimately – Trust God, whose judgement is supreme … and filled with mercy.
Ps 36:5 Your love, O LORD, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies.