Friday, November 9, 2012


109 – SEPTEMBER 2012

                     THINK ABOUT IT


Proverbs 29:23  “A man’s pride will bring him low, But the humble in spirit will retain honor.” 

I have noticed that of all the “things” we struggle for (wealth, power, recognition, & praise), we expend the most energy and emotion in a doggedness to be right. 

In the old TV series "Happy Days", the Fonz would experience anxiety when having to say that he was wrong.   Whenever he was in a position to admit an error he would uncomfortably and reluctantly say, "Okay - I'm wr-wr-wr-wr-wrong!
            It was quite funny!  The humor was fixed in the reality that we all have trouble admitting error and in the impersonal manner in which our pride is exposed.   

Proverbs 21:23  “Whoever guards his mouth and tongue Keeps his soul from troubles.  

When 2 people have a disagreement, it becomes amazing at the efforts that each go through to assure their rightness.    This phenomenon explodes when an end to a relationship is involved.   Friendship, courtship, divorce, employment, business deals … ,   
With great effort to protect your dignity and honor, here's a proven way to do it:
The first step is to e-mail to the enemy.   Take great care to perfectly word your case and, make sure to accuse the other of their "fault/s."
They will e-mail you back.  (Because they have the same plan going.)   They’ll rebut with a similar fleshy tone, stating their case and popping out their own well worded stinging accusations.
Make sure to e-mail again!
And again!
All the while, be sure to telephone the friends that you know will side with you.
Then call all mutual friends - to convince them of your honorable position in the matter at hand.
Lastly, contact all other mutual acquaintances that you never really gave much time to.   Carefully entertain them.   Wine them and dine them to your side.  

Just kiddin’.  

Sadly, however, I have witnessed some very wonderful people that have acted in this peculiar manner.   I have seen people that I look up to, people that are strong in their Godly faith, and people that are very nice and loving fall into this unpleasant self-deceit. 
It's a fraudulent satisfaction that leaves you empty.    It's a trap that I have put myself in and I look back with embarrassment and regret to the times I have allowed myself to fall. 

Proverbs 12:15  “The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice."Cross references:

              During the exhausting process, some friends will tell us to relax, to drop it, to let it go, to love, to forgive ..., but what do they know? 

Think about it!   After the damage is done and we finally shake the grip of the drama, we realize that they were the calm and wise ones.

This is just the way I see it.   Of course, I could be wr-wr-wr-wr-wrong.







110 – OCTOBER 2012

                    THINK ABOUT IT

             Two little goats needed to get home.   As they prepared to take the shortcut through Jockey Hollow, the farmyard frog jumped into view.   He let out a loud croak and, with his unpretentious red-neck jargon, he cautioned the little goats;
“Why, kids, I’m a thinkin’ that ya might take the long way this time.   Just last nite I was a hearing a wolf down in that there holla.   If’n you go down, you mightn’t not just never come back.”
As it was being said, a proud peacock was walking by.   Newly elected to the farm council, he was more concerned with his communicative skills than with the correctness of his eloquent opinion;
“My dear little ones, there has been no wolf incidents since I have been elected to the counsel.  The frog is new to the farm yard and, although he is very charming, I am not sure that you should hearken to his assistance.”
I have heard no howling and would recommend that you be unrestricted in your decision to take the shorter route to home.”
The two goats were impressed by the peacock and took the shortcut.
They were met by the wolf and were never heard of again. 

Moral:     I’d rather have someone say “I seen somthin.” (when they saw it) … than to have someone say “I saw something.” (when they didn’t see nothin’.)


OR     Zechariah 8:16 “These are the things that you shall do; speak ye every man the truth to his neighbor; execute the judgment of truth and peace within your gates.” 

OR     Ehpesians 4:25  “Wherefore, putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbor: for we are members one of another.”










  111 – NOVEMBER 2012

                   THINK ABOUT IT


Are you an uplooker or a downlooker? 
             I am a “downlooker/uplooker wanna be.”
             Okay – So, when I walk I tend to look down.    That makes me a down looker.    Since I have realized this, I watch everyone a bit more closely and have found that 62% (I made that up) of folks are downlookers.    We sacrifice seeing the world around us so that we do not trip.   I love to walk on the beach and yet I find myself looking down to avoid stepping on broken shells … or something.   I guess.   

I don’t want to be a downlooker and begrudge the folks that keep their eyes up and don’t seem to care about exactly where their feet might land.

Maybe it’s not a fear of tripping.    Maybe it’s just a bad habit.    Maybe it’s a deep psychological thing revealing that I am still more concerned about myself than the world in need.    Regardless – I want to be an uplooker.   And, I have been working on it since I discovered the thing. 

Uplooker   noun :   1.  one who is carefree, cheerfully untroubled    2.  One who likes to explore, a swashbuckler

I’m getting better yet I find that, without concentrating, it’s easy to slip into my downlooking tendency.

Think about it!      Concrete and cracks and concrete and cracks and cigarette butts and concrete and dried gum (a lot of gum) and cracks and on and on.     That certainly makes for safe walking … and a visual menu of ho-hum nothing.    Think of all the things you might be missing.

Mt 6:27  “Can any one of you, by worrying, add a single hour to your life?”

Life is short.    I want to start worrying less about tripping and spend more time looking up.    Be less shielded and more adventurous.    Hit for the green when you know you should ‘play up’!!!         Walk bare foot more often!!!     Pack lighter!!!    Keep a light on – for no reason at all!!!     Be silly!!!      Giggle!!!      Be 5 minutes late for a meeting !!!     Hug more!!!   Kiss more!!!!     Get an earring!!!  (Just kidding.   I’m not that free yet.)         

Chris … the uplooker

P.S.  I couldn’t do more than 5 minutes late for a meeting.    Believe me – I’m “old school” in this department and 5 minutes is about as carefree as I could be.
            P.S.S.    I confess.    I made up the definition.   I threw caution to the wind.   You won’t find the word anywhere.

* Bible thought:  There are 58 verses in the Bible that say “… lift up your eyes and see…” or “…lift up your eyes and behold...”   Each one is followed by a particular   imagery or revelation that God unveiled to any person who might “lift up their eyes”.
And my friend Phil might reply, “Hmmmmm!!!”