024 – AUGUST 2005
James 1:7 “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the Father of lights …”
My son asked me to go to the pond where we could sit and chat. His wedding date had just been set and he wanted to share some thoughts on his selection for “Best Man”.
He began to share about each of the candidates. He started his thoughts about the first friend with - “How about this guy?” And he proceeded with amazing stories about this great friend.
He ended with “Now, there’s a contest!”
He went through a few more in the same way. “How about this guy?” And, one by one, he shared great stories about each person’s character, friendship, good times, and a “Now, there’s a contest!” at the end.
I was wondering how he thought I could help him with this difficult decision when he reached into his pocket and pulled out all of these notes and letters. With great seriousness, he said “And, how about this guy?”, and he began to read.
He was 10 words into the first letter when I recognized that he was reading from letters and notes that I had sent him through the years. As I realized that he had kept them through all the years, I was overwhelmed. And I began to weep as I rationalized where he might be going with this dramatic set up.
He finished a 3rd letter, looked at me with intensity, and said “Really now, there is no contest. Dad, will you be my best man?”
Aaron had slowly and dramatically untied the bow and opened the wrapping to an incomparable gift.
I would like to think that this was a “sow and reap” thing -
Galatians 6:7 “… for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also
But I know that I am undeserving of such a great gift of love and honor. And
I know that it’s by God’s grace (undeserved or unmerited favor) that we are all able to receive incredible blessings such as these.
Romans 9:16 “It does not therefore depend on man’s desire or effort, but on God’s grace.”