Wednesday, October 21, 2009


048 – AUGUST 2007


A life quote is a concisely worded piece of advice for living a good life.
One example from the Bible inventory of wise counsel is from James 1:19,
“ … be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,”

My current selection for life quote is – “Pick your battles.”
I chose this because we have such a tendency to be extremely touchy over every decision. . We can make mountains out of molehills and live a life of conflict and duress … over some very trite issues. And, the emotional disagreements over silly things can cause unnecessary tension in our lives, as well as our loved ones’.

Luke 10:41 "Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things,”

Think about it. We debate, squabble and fight over the dumbest things. We become testy and touchy over hackneyed matters. And even though you will have some issues or disagreements that are worth a fight, most are not worth the stress that the battle brings.

Proverbs 25:28 “Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control.

So - “Pick your battles.” Lay aside your passion for everything. Withhold your tongue and don’t feel that your opinion is so vital to every conversation. Relax and enjoy others’ views.
Worry less, trust God, cut some slack, relax, and save your energy for the issues that really matter.

Assignment - If someone asked you for just one piece of ‘life’ advice … what would you say? I know that you must have a few, but if you could choose just one, what would be your life quote? What one thing would you tell someone to help them through life? What one thing would you choose to say to help them live a happier, more productive, and more peaceful life?
I have asked this question to many people. All the responses are great and I have listed just a few for your thoughts:
Jamie Hayes – “Surround yourself with happy people.”
Kent Smith – “Love and be honest.”
Pat Beltrami – “Give Jesus a chance.”
Jed Taufer – “Never hesitate to sincerely apologize.”

(Note: Send me one of your life quotes and I will publish it in next month’s TAI.)