Wednesday, October 21, 2009


028 – DECEMBER 2005


“You are only an observer … hovering over a small town. You notice the frenzied activities for an unusually big birthday party. The townspeople are oo’ing and ah’ing over the incredible decorations. There are presents everywhere, beautifully wrapped, and they’re planning a lavish birthday dinner.
Now, look more closely. There is something unusual. The birthday person is nowhere to be seen. At once, you sense that this person has not been invited to His own birthday party.
Strange? Yes! Warning - you are now entering … the twilight zone!”

It’s December, 2005 and the world is slowly removing Christ from Christmas. Don’t let yourself be caught in that trap. Think about it - You enter the season with good intentions and, before you know what happened, you accept the bait. Splat! … you’re caught. You later realize that you shopped and decorated and cooked and celebrated - without honoring the birthday person. You sadly realize you plowed through the season like a 1 hour “Twilight Zone” episode.

Here are a few suggestions to help you avoid the ambush:

1. Don’t be grumpy. Enjoy your salvation and decide to let your light shine … bright-bright!
Mt 5:16 “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven.”

2. Prompt yourself each morning. Wake up with Jesus on your mind. Speak to Him out loud with thanksgiving and determine to avoid all traps for the day.
Ps 5:3 “… oh Lord, in the morning will I direct my prayer unto Thee; and will look up.

3. “In all that you do…”. When you decorate the tree, when you cook the roast, when you sing the songs, when you buy a gift for someone … in all that you do – have Jesus on your mind.
Eph 5:19 “… speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.”

4. A gift for Him (imagine that). Decide to give a gift to a needy person or family. It will be your very best gift!
Mt 25:40 “ … inasmuch as you did it to the least of these – you did it unto me.”

5. Say “Merry Christmas!” Forget the “Season’s Greetings” or the “Happy Holidays”. Say “Merry Christmas” … with a smile and a joyful blessing attached!
Rom 1:16 “For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes; for the Jew first and also for the Gentiles.”

6. Give thanks. On Christmas day, take your time and enjoy it. You might even gather the family to read the Christmas Story. And before you have your coffee, before you exchange gifts, and before you have dinner – give thanks to God.
* Eph 5:20 “…giving thanks in all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Merry Christmas!!!!

P.S. With apologies for the “Twilight Zone” introduction. But, you might want to re-read it with Rod Sterling’s voice.