Wednesday, October 21, 2009


056 – APRIL 2008


Ps 23:11 “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.”

I admit it! I have trouble being a sheep!
I know that my life would become more simple if I were a sheep. It would be nice to move through life more slowly, graze leisurely, bleat a few times each day, trust the shepherd, and listen for his voice.
But, nope! Not me! I seem to prefer to run around with my head cut off. That’s what I do. I suppose I must enjoy it - a hectic schedule, talking way too much, and trusting my decisions with out hearing from God.

It’s hard! I’d rather be a bull. I certainly wouldn’t mind being a lion or a tiger … maybe even a charger. I just have trouble being a sheep!
Imagine a pro sports team selecting such a passive team mascot:
“Let’s hear a big cheer for your San Diego Sheep!”?
Or, “And now the starting lineup for your Chicago Lambs!”?
How could you even expect to win?

Yes, I know that God does not want us to sit around all day grazing and bleating. God wants us to be busy about the Kingdom. However, it’s very important that we understand this sheep/shepherd relationship that He has prepared for us.

Ps 23:2 “… He leadeth me beside still waters.”

As I move along through my years, I find that, more and more, I want to be directed. At home or at work, I simply want someone to tell me what needs to be done, to point me in a proper direction, and to say “Go!”
More than any other voice , I do want to hear His. Think about it - As the Great Shepherd - He provides, He protects, and He leads. He cares for you. He loves you and wants the best for you. He even seems to stop what He is doing in order to find you when you get lost.

Mt 18:12 "What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off?”

So, surrender a bit of the “in charge” status and listen for His voice. You’ll hear it.