Wednesday, October 21, 2009


032 – APRIL 2006

The Courtroom

Law 101. Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God.”
The plaintiff sits nervously at the table while the Sate Prosecution points his finger of blame and states his case clearly and with passion, “That person is ‘guilty’ and must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.”
The plaintiff goes to the witness stand and is duly sworn in for statements.
“What is your defense?”, asks the accuser.
“Well, I didn’t do anything that bad!”, answers the accused. “It’s not like I murdered someone or something! And, there are people out there who have done a lot worse than I have ever done! There are even people who should know better that have committed some really bad things. I know of some professing do-gooders that have done some pretty bad things and I know of some church goers that are real hypocrites. I even know of some ministers and preachers who have done things that I would never do. Sure, I messed up … but I’m not a bad person.”
The prosecution states his closing argument to the great judge, “ Your honor, just because a person is not a ‘bad person’ does not excuse them from their crimes. Because someone has not committed murder does not mean that they are innocent of their own felonies and infractions. Simply because there are others who have done worse deeds, does not excuse this person from the crimes that they are guilty of. I demand that you send this person to jail and exercise the letter of the law by serving a life sentence.
Law 102. Romans 6:23a “For the wages of sin is death …”
The wonderful Counselor finally speaks, “Your honor, the defendant has continually violated the law. My client stands guilty before you and I agree with my adversary - the law must be upheld.
However … !!! … I humbly remind the court of a higher law of ‘mercy’ and ‘substitution’ … and refer to thousands upon thousands of prior cases of precedence that:
1. Guarantees that the price for the defendant’s infraction have already been paid, and
2. Empowers you to free and to declare my client to be innocent of all his transgressions.”

“Will the defendant please stand.”, the judge speaks and He leans forward in His great chair. He looks sternly at the prosecutor and says, “Must we go over this again! We will adhere to the law of the land.”
Law 103. Romans 6:23b “… but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
The great judge then turns His focus to the defendant, “You are indeed a fortunate soul. Be thankful!.”
He lowers the gavel, and declares, “Innocent! This court is adjourned.”

Cast of Characters
The Prosecutor ……………………………………. The Devil, the accuser of the brethren
The Judge ……………………………………………………….……………………………… God, the Father
The Defense Attorney ……………………………………………. Jesus, wonderful counselor
The Defendant ……………………………………………………….. YOU

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”