Wednesday, October 21, 2009


023 – JULY 2005


Deut 29:29 “The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us …”

I like to play a word game that can blow your mind a bit. I take complicated things and put them into simple form:
The automobile – Figure that one out. You pour a bunch of strong smelling liquid into a tank. The liquid eventually feeds through some pipes and lines … and then some carburetor thing and some piston things. They all work together with other things and the gasoline is burned into fuel energy. And this causes your engine to start and the wheels to turn. Then you can drive. Got it?
The T.V. - Really now! Some photographer guy in Australia aims a box at weird guy who plays with alligators. The scene goes through glass, into the box, and proceeds out the back through a wire. Then the whole captured thing (with all color and all sound !!!) beams through the air into outer space … in order to bounce off some orbiting thing and back to a T.V. station. More wires!!!, and the stuff eventually gets to your living room where you have a big box with glass in the front. It’s “plugged in” to a wall socket. You know - Where you stick 2 prongs into a wall and you get “energy power.” Hit the remote and an invisible signal scrambles through the air and you get to view the alligator man with pictures, colors and sound. As well as 565 other channels
Compact Disc – A 30 cent piece of plastic that holds pictures and sound. You ask how all that information can be on this little thing. After all, “It’s only plastic!” And someone says “Oh, that’s easy you just burn a whole bunch of zeros and ones. It’s all zeros and ones!!”
And you reply, “Oh, I understand now.”
“Beam me up Scotty!” ?????

Job 26:7 “He stretcheth out the North over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.”

Birth – I was watching my daughter and was reminded of her birth on September 20, 1969. Nine months before that? – Nothing!
Now, think about it. A little microscopic squiggly thing works it’s way to some microscopic receiver thing and “Shazaam!” … Life begins! And! – That modest egg and sperm have all this DNA stuff (micro-micro-microscopic). Development begins – eyes, ears, hands, feet, toes, …and “Boop!” - The little baby pops out with all of these mommy & daddy looks and characteristics.

Ne 9:6 “Thou, even thou, art Lord alone; thou hast made heaven, the heaven of heavens, the earth and all the things that are therein, the seas and all that is therein, ands thou perservest them all, and the host of heaven worships thee.”

Think about it! Eventually, no one will escape the truth of God and His creation. How great it is that we can marvel at His infinite knowledge and wisdom.
And, amidst all of this … He loves you!