Wednesday, October 21, 2009


047 – JULY 2007


Have you ever had a song that attached itself to you. As hard as you try, you cannot get the ditty off your mind or your tongue. I call it Stuck Tune Syndrome - an affliction that causes you to sing one particular song over and over. A song leaps from the airwaves and sticks like glue … sometimes for an entire day.
Pat, my dear wife, seems to think that she can tell my thoughts or my moods by those songs that stick. She may be right. The Andy Griffith Show whistle may not apply, but songs like “Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow”, “All Alone Am I”, “Sunrise, Sunset”, or “What Kind of Fool Am I” could be evidence to her theory.

There is, however, a big difference between a song in your head and a song in your heart. There is a song in your heart. It is at the core of who you are. It could be your spirit. It’s at least a mood in your spirit. It’s not a particular title or tune … but a “song” nonetheless. My song has always been one of lightheartedness, thankfulness, and joy.
Recently, I had misplaced my song. Ugh! I made a bad trade. I began to “sing” a deep reflection, melancholy, “Sunrise, Sunset” type of song.
While talking with God, I became aware of my condition and prayed for a new song.

Ps 40:3 “And he has put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: …”

So, I have my old “new song” back. This does not mean that I can’t have deep reflections, but it sure is nice to wake up each day and say “Good morning, Lord!” (vs. “Good Lord, it’s morning!”)
Ephesians 5:19 “Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual
songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;

If you don’t like the song that you are singing – Start praising God. And, then, try this song on for size. Thank and praise God as you sing and … it should be a good fit!

Zip-A Dee-Do-Da! Zipadee-ay Mr. Bluebird’s on my shoulder.
My! Oh my! What a wonderful day. It’s the truth! It’s actual!
Plenty of sunshine headed my way. Everything is satisfactual !!
Zip-A Dee-Do-Da! Zipadee-ay! Zip-A Dee-Do-Da! Zipadee-ay!
Wonderful feeling! Wonderful day!
Yes, you can thank me that I have given you a great melody for Stuck Tune Syndrome. It could get stuck in your head for all of today . And, Think about it – If you need one, it’s not a bad theme for a new song in your heart.